Subforms are great but... not available on mobile devices & other issues

Subforms are great but... not available on mobile devices & other issues

Subforms are a great addition however there are some major issues with them.

1. They do not show on the mobile app. We have a team of sales people who can't access... causes big issues.

2. You can't filter by items on a subform. EG: Contacts with a subform of courses. I'd like to view all contacts and filter by a course name. Not possible. 

3. Relating one subform to another subform and syncing is very difficult. It can be done when adding a subform row but unknown if it can be done when removing items. For example:
I have a product with a related products subform. If I have a lamp, I put the related product as the compatible bulbs. The related bulbs then update with the compatible lamp. However if I remove a bulb from the compatible list, I have to manually update the related product list. This whole problem stems from not being able to relate products to products.