"Subject" or "Narration"in Customer Statement

"Subject" or "Narration"in Customer Statement

Dear Sir,

While creating invoice, we are giving in "Subject" the purpose of invoice. For Example - "GST for the month of Aug 23", IT return FY 22-23", "Consultancy", Internal Audit for May 23".

But this subject is not coming in Customer Statement.

Only if this "subject" is visible, customer can easily know what is purpose of invoice.
Now customer is bound to search and open each and every invoice lying pending in the statement.
Since he is not ready to do, he is asking us and we are giving seperate statement by excel.

The purpose of Zoho is not served.

Now only invoice number with due date of payment is visible. 

I know "project" can be made visible. We are not using project.

Is it possible to bring "Subject"/"Narration" in Customer statement?

Please give a solution on urgent basis. We are finding it difficult to use ZOHO because of this.