Suggestion: Remove checkbox for E-sign disclosure

Suggestion: Remove checkbox for E-sign disclosure

This single suggestion could increase how many people use Zoho Sign by a significant margin. Not changing it may be costing you a lot of business. If anyone agrees, please speak up!

I highly recommend you remove the checkbox next to the "I confirm that I have read". Why is it there? The checkbox is redundant and causes more harm than good. Also, move the box to the center of the screen over the document so the user knows that's the next required step to proceed.

Yes, it's a super simple button to push but my experience for the first few times using Zoho Sign was not pleasant BECAUSE OF THIS CHECKBOX. I kept forgetting it was there. I would press agree and continue and it would not let me move forward. American's might not be as smart people who live in India :) Every time I send a document to my customer I have to explain the checkbox must be checked and then you press agree and continue at the top before you're allowed to sign.

The problem is that this is NOT intuitive. You have to treat everyone as though they're 2-year-old's. Here's what I suggest:
  1. Remove the checkbox.
  2. Move the disclosure and consent pop-up to the CENTER of the screen on top of the document so you cannot even see the document until you press the button to agree to the terms.
  3. Make the "agree & continue" button larger
  4. Have the pop-up window then disappear after the button is pressed, revealing the document to sign..
  5. ONLY make people agree to it once per account (if legally possible)
I know it's stupid! (or maybe I am). I know it should be simple but you guys designed it and are use to it so it's no big deal. IMO It will be a problem for most first time users. Ask your grandma to sign something and see how she does with it. If she gets it, ask MY grandma :) Then you'll understand where I'm coming from.

YOUR COMPETITORS HAVE IT LAID OUT AS I HAVE SUGGESTED so I know it can be done, legally. That also tells me that they are probably able to get and KEEP clients because it's just so much easier for a new user to use. 

Until this change is made we will continue to coach our clients how to use it which isn't a huge problem but they're usually frustrated even after coaching them. We've even had a few people be UNABLE to sign because they can't figure this out even after we explain it.

Please make this a top priority. I suggest you try out 3 or 4 of your competitor's products and see how easy it is to use--from clicking on the document link in email, to signed, what do they have to do? MY guess is that you could pick any 3 at random and find that they all follow this same pattern or even something better.

I strongly believe that making this simple change will drastically increase your market share.

After you forward this on to your implementation department, please let me know what they say they will or will not do.  Don't just say you have forwarded it on. Thanks!

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