Tables is a good concept

Tables is a good concept

Let me start by saying that Zoho Tables is a great idea. Positioning it between spreadsheets and a database makes sense and fills a real gap. I particularly like one of the criteria mentioned for determining if you’re a candidate for using Tables: 

Are you under-utilizing the features and functions of an application.

We’re a small company with a need for a shared to-do list, plus the ability to track our time. In order to get those two functions, we’ve been using Zoho Projects, but we don’t need 90% of the features in Projects, and those extraneous features get in the way. They make the tool much harder for us to use. In fact, they discourage use.

We’ve built a much more bare-bones system in tables — just a project list with related tasks and time entries.

Currently, Tables is just minimally useful for our purposes. There’s still important functionality that is missing. Some is apparently on the roadmap (e.g. scheduled automation). We look forward to an increased richness of features — something that truly straddles the space between spreadsheets and Creator. Right now, Tables is too close to spreadsheets and not close enough to Creator. But it’s headed in the right direction.

Thanks for this!