Webinar alert! - Take engagement to the next level with the SalesIQ Mobile app

Webinar alert! - Take engagement to the next level with the SalesIQ Mobile app

In the era of WFH, working time flexibility is reaching its breaking point, where household chores overlap our work hours, where we engage with customers from the comfort of our bed with the TV playing in the background. It is necessary to provide the best support and engagement to our customers. But, a few deals might easily slip off due to all the distractions around us, which could have been easily saved if we had worked from the office, where we could have uninterrupted focus. So is there any solution to be vigilant while working safely from our homes?
Yes, and it's simple. Use SalesIQ mobile app!
This post will discuss three unique features that you'll get using the Zoho SalesIQ mobile app that can be vital to providing adequate support and engagement. 

Get notified when a prospect lands on your website.  

Push notification is one of the best ways to stay updated about the ongoing processes of your business. The prospect notification in the SalesIQ mobile app lets you know when a prospect lands on your website even when you're not actively using SalesIQ. This allows you to engage with the visitor and promote your business swiftly. 

Suppose you run a small-scale business every visitor matters! Turn the new visitor notification on to get notified when a new visitor lands on your website and strike a conversation instantly from your phone. 

To enable,
  • Navigate to Settings > Operators > Operator name, scroll down to Mobile notifications.
  • Enable the New visitor and Returning visitor toggle.

Expandable input field

One of the limiting features of any mobile engagement, support, or messaging tool is the small chat input window. Popular messaging apps like Whatsapp and Facebook messenger uses fixed size for the input window. This can be negligible for messaging apps, but for a support and engagement app where mighty deals are signed, it is crucial for operators to have flexibility in the input field where operators can review the entire message comfortably before sending it to the visitor. Our mobile app allows you to view your message in detail and check for any errors on full screen. 


 Voice notes and calls  

If you find typing out long messages on your mobile difficult, you can easily record and send voice messages using our voice notes feature. Deals can also be signed via high-definition audio calls made directly from the app when conversing with the visitor. 
To enable, navigate to Settings > Global settings, and enable Audio calls.

If you would like to learn more about SalesIQ mobile and learn how to perform better sales and support, join us on our upcoming webinar on 3rd of Feb 2022, where we dive deep into the exclusive features of our app. 
