test automation

test automation

Zoho QEngine is a test automation software that helps test any application built for the web, mobile devices, and APIs. It also helps test custom workflows and integrations with third-party applications.

Why do organizations need to test applications?

Eliminating bugs and errors - Before rolling out an application to end users, it's critical to eliminate any technical glitches that the application might have. Critical bugs can cause loss of data due to security errors, downtime, financial losses, and more.

Adding new features/functionalities - The scalability of an application relies on adding new features/functionalities in line with customer requirements. However, this must not hinder existing features, and the new additions must seamlessly work with other integrations.

Choosing test automation or manual testing

Manual testing relies heavily on the tester for organizing extensive use-case scenarios and manually testing them to identify bugs. Complex scenarios can benefit from human intervention, even though these are time-consuming, so that critical bugs don't hinder application performance later.

Most use cases in application/software testing need repetitive tests, so it's prudent to automate these tasks for the optimization of resources. This is why some organizations rely on basic test automation that utilizes Selenium WebDriver and languages like Java and Python to write test cases. However, this basic test automation requires the tester to have technical skills.

Zoho's solution for a complete software testing lifecycle—Zoho QEngine

With QEngine, QA teams at software firms can make the switch from manual testing to automation testing, which reduces maintenance and improves efficiency with optimal resources.

For those firms utilizing test automation, writing test cases in QEngine doesn't require knowledge of Selenium, Java, or Python, as QEngine abstracts this layer of the process. With Zoho QEngine, there are also no infrastructure requirements, as test cases can be run and executed on the cloud—but, if required, test cases can also be executed on a local machine.

Zoho QEngine's robust test automation software helps test any application accessed through web browsers, mobile apps, or APIs. Zoho QEngine can also test custom functions, workflows, third-party integrations, widgets within apps, and more.

Zoho QEngine helps build, manage, execute, collaborate on, and report test cases. Our native test automation software comes equipped with:

Cross-platform test case management - Write and manage multiple test cases in parallel, across platforms (web browser, Android, iOS, and API).

Flexible test case builder for agile test automation - Zoho QEngine has a no-code recorder, low-code builder, and pro-code editor that help make building test cases easier. With QEngine's recorder option, you can record actions/tasks in applications, and the code for user actions is generated for testing without any manual intervention! The low-code builder enables building test cases with drag-and-drop functionality, while the pro-code editor ensures that users with technical proficiency can write test cases from scratch.

Web testing, mobile testing, and API testing is made easier with QEngine - QEngine can test any web or mobile application or API integration.

AI-aided self-healing - Any broken UI elements/locators in test cases are fixed by QEngine's AI algorithm.

Insightful reports - QEngine's report feature helps collate the details of test cases run, platforms run on, passed/failed test cases, and more.

• On-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments
  • On-premises - Run test cases from a local machine.
  • Cloud - Run test cases on Zoho's own servers.
  • Hybrid - With absolutely no hosting or server maintenance needed, you can test your local application on the cloud via tunnelling.

Schedule a demo today to explore Zoho QEngine for all your testing needs!