Texting through Zoho CRM

Texting through Zoho CRM

Is Zoho working on making it easier to send and receive texts via their mobile device if the are using Zoho CRM?  It's quite clunky currently to have to be on the desktop version versus coming to an actual phone where they can be responded to immediately which is really the purpose of texting.  Times are changing where texting is becoming the communication of choice with potential clients.  Emails and phone calling is going by the wayside.  Would love to see Zoho develop something that will work soon!

      • Sticky Posts

      • Tip #3: Use Check-in to geo-tag your client visits instantly

        Hello everyone!We are back with a new tip for this week. In case you missed our previous tip on layout based conversion mapping, you can read about it here. This week's tip goes out to all the sales reps and sales managers out there.  Tip #3: Use Check-in to geo-tag your client visits instantly  Done with your client visit? Yay!  But wait, here comes your next bit of boring yet important things that you do: Call your sales manager and inform him/her that you are done with the meeting. Create/update