Thank You! Old Notebook

Thank You! Old Notebook

Dear Notebook Users,

This is to inform you that, as we announced earlier about stopping the old Notebook service posted on, we are in now the process of shutting down the whole old Notebook database completely. Therefore, all the existing old Notebook data will be migrated to our new Notebook service.

This migration process may trigger you(old Notebook users) an automated response email from our new Notebook server about welcoming you to Zoho Services as a new user. We request you to kindly ignore this welcome mail if you have received any, lately. Your data is always secured and your account remains the same.

Kindly download the new Notebook app from the below links:

Notebook iOS - Download
Notebook Android - Download
Notebook for Mac - Download
Notebook Web Clipper(Chrome) - Download

Once the migration gets completed, you can view all your old Notebook data from the mobile app by tapping on 'Settings' > 'Migrate to New Notebook'. Meanwhile, if you need to access it before that, please share us your email ID to so that we can enable it for you respectively.

We are sorry for the inconvenience. For any further clarifications regarding this, please reply back to us.


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