The Integrated customer reports dashboard - Accurate, real-time updates for every conversion

The Integrated customer reports dashboard - Accurate, real-time updates for every conversion

LandingPage , Google Ads , and Zoho CRM have come together to form a productivity bundle that streamlines your business processes and optimizes your workflows.

When users integrate their landing pages with Google Ads and Zoho CRM , they can monitor their marketing performance in every stage ( PPC advertisement, landing page, and CRM database) and get an holistic view of their customers and the revenue generated.
Users can now monitor every click from Google Ads that turned into a lead and track when the lead is converted into a customer in Zoho CRM . You can also track the revenue generated from these customers and the return on investment (ROI) .

Users can access these reports directly in the landing page analytics section and precisely measure the performance of their landing page campaigns. This also enables them to avoid unnecessary switching between apps to monitor customer data.

View the number of customers and revenue generated from them in the Analytics > Overview section
View Google ads spend, revenue, ROI and number of customers in the Analytics > Google Ads section