This product isn't ready. Avoid it.

This product isn't ready. Avoid it.

We started a trial of Tables, because it seemed like it would fill a real need for us. We understood that it was a first-release product that would lack a lot of functionality, but we were willing to make do and use it while features got added step by step.

However, it has been a disaster. Our primary database has simply evaporated. All the data is gone, and all the table definitions have been lost -- even the table names, which are now Table 1, Table 2, etc.

In a second base, we're having difficulty entering data and creating / editing view definitions (the system is extraordinarily slow and edits often don't 'stick').

We submitted a support request about 15 hours ago for the primary database (the one that disappeared), and our request hasn't even been acknowledged yet.

This is not a safe product to use. It appears to be an alpha version.