Throw the spotlight over those prospective visitors hitting your website via MailChimp campaigns!

Throw the spotlight over those prospective visitors hitting your website via MailChimp campaigns!

To all those customers who have integrated MailChimp with your Zoho SalesIQ account, this forum has exclusively been written for you! We all know that Zoho SalesIQ partnered with MailChimp only to ease out your marketing grind!
Let me lead you through a few cases to aid you comprehend the techniques using which you can harness the maximum out of the integration of these two influential applications,


Well you know the routine, so buckle up and get ready for a quick role play, 

Say you own an online watch store and you had sent out a campaign by categorizing your customer pool into three classes - Hot leads, existing customers and VIP customers.

1. First things first, Identification of the visitors visiting your website via the campaigns that you had sent out!

Will it be possible to identify the visitors visiting my website via campaigns even if there aren't any trace of them in my Zoho SalesIQ account?

The answer would be YES! How? 

Simple just append the Zoho SalesIQ parameter identifiers with the URL of your website that you specify in the campaign mails that you send out, clicking on which the visitors will be straight away re-directed to your website. 

You need not worry about the rest. And you can save yourself from playing the role of a detective to identify the visitors hitting your website via campaigns as they will automatically be identified by their name and email address every time they visit your website.

2. Not all the visitors hitting your website via campaigns would deserve your attention and time, so prioritize them!

Filter out the right set of customers based on various criterions like say the ones who had subscribed to your newsletter or you can also club this criterion with a criterion based on CRM values like say customers who had subscribed to your newsletter and also has an open potential worth 5000 or more, this way you can make sure that you don't desiccate your firm's resources and time over visitors who just visit your website to while away time.

3. Be proactive : Strike a conversation with the filtered out set of visitors 

Why sit back and watch the prospective customers of yours come in and drift away from your website? Make a move, strike a conversation, analyze the campaigns sent out to them, jam them up with all the offers and discounts that the visitor could possibly avail, persuade them un til they budge and trust me you will definitely see a drastic difference in the rate of lead conversion.

4. You can be proactive but you can't stay vigil all the time, right?

Then use triggers as your safety net! Quickly configure a trigger rule that sends out a chat invite every time a visitor visits your website via a particular campaign.

5. Contextualize your conversations and close more prospective deals!

Say a visitor initiates a chat and you pick it up, he says he would need your assistance to pick the right watch for his daughter. You quickly run through all the campaigns that had been sent out to that particular visitor and from what you have analyzed the visitor definitely falls under the VIP customer class. 

And also you find out the fact that he was a part of the campaign that was sent out regarding the end of season sale offer on vintage watches and he didn't open it yet. So what shall we do? Click on that particular campaign mail, run through the mail content and brief it all to the visitor. Tada your work made simple! 

6. Okay now say the visitor is leaving your website, what are the odds of them coming back? Guesses?

Obviously one can't predict it because we don't really have a magic crystal ball that could predict the possible future isn't it? So what shall we do? Just let go of them? NO! All that you can do to want them come back is by striking them every now and then with email campaigns disclosing all the deals and offers that would intrigue them and would make them visit your website again.

Well, how to generate a mailing list? Do it manually? Won't it be tiring?

Relax, you can configure a trigger rule based on various criterions that would either automatically add the visitors leaving your website to either an existing mailing list or to a new mailing list, based on your choice!

7. Build a special squad of your own!

Say you send out a campaign to a set of prospective customers of your firm, it is necessary that when they come down to your website via that particular campaign mail you take a good care of them and make sure that they receive appropriate assistance, so how can we go about this? You would definitely need your own special squad for those special customers of yours. 

Why sit back and wait when you can build one on your own? Choose the right set of operators, configure a routing rule to filter and route those special customers hitting your website via the special campaign that you had sent out earlier to the special squad that you have built. 

Heads up!

Do remember that to integrate MailChimp with your Zoho SalesIQ account you must own a paid account of the former (You can also avail this feature during the initial 15-day trial of Zoho SalesIQ).

Well my job for today is done! It's time for me to sign off! Catch you all in my next post! Till then stay in the pink of your health.

Fond Regards,