Tiny Tip Tuesday #1

Tiny Tip Tuesday #1

Good Question!

Surveys are the easiest and most effective of finding out your respondents' thoughts and expectations. You can evaluate their satisfaction levels, understand what they think about a product they have used recently, and discover what they expect from an upcoming event or a product. If you ask them the right questions, they will tell you what motivates them and what they don't love about the subject. We'll give you tips and tricks to get the questions in your survey right.

Here's your tip for the week:

Never force your respondents to answer a question
The golden rule to asking the right questions is to avoid making all your questions mandatory. Respect your respondents' privacy and let them choose whether to answer a particular question or not. It's also best to avoid questions that intrude into their personal lives, family, or religious beliefs. Instead, have easy, open-ended questions that do not restrict their answers. You could also add a comments column for them to share their suggestions.

We'll share another tip next week. Stay tuned!