Tiny Tip Tuesday #17

Tiny Tip Tuesday #17

Collaborate over surveys

Sometimes it takes a team effort to create and analyze the best surveys. When a single person creates a survey, you can forget an important question or not put it across  effectively. That's why it's always good to have your surveys  proofread. Analyzing a report also becomes more accurate when multiple people are doing it.
Here are a few ways to collaborate:
Invite reviewer : Give access to people to go through your survey and leave comments for you to consider. However, they won't be able to make edits to your survey.
Share : Share your surveys and reports with others. They can make edits to the survey and see the reports along with you.
Send copy : Send a copy of your survey to others while retaining the original. With this, they can create different variations of the same survey.
Transfer survey : If you are no longer working on the survey, you can transfer ownership of the survey to someone else. It will move from your account to theirs. 
We will be back next week with another tip!