Tiny Tip Tuesday #18

Tiny Tip Tuesday #18

Go offline with your surveys 


When you're at events or out on the field, the internet might not be reliable. At times like this, it's useful to have an offline link to your survey. With this, you will be able to collect feedback and upload it when you're back online. 
How do you do this?
Zoho Survey, along with other  publishing options, provides you an option to enable an offline link for your survey. 
To set up the offline survey, all you need to do is set a password for your survey, which you will require later to upload the responses into your report. You can also choose to enable a kiosk-style setup where people can keep taking the survey from the same device. The survey will reload every time they submit a response.
For example, at an  event, you can load the survey on a tab and keep it at the exit (or any other strategic point) and start taking responses from all the attendees. Once you're done with the event, you can set up your offline responses in a way that the feedback you've gotten will get automatically uploaded when you're back online.
Watch this space for another tip!