Tiny Tip Tuesday #19

Tiny Tip Tuesday #19

Pushing survey data into other applications

You've sent out your survey and started collecting the responses. Now comes the most important part.  Analyzing it. What do you do with the responses collected? How do you make the most of the feedback or information gathered?
Zoho Survey gives you the ability to create customized reports from the feedback gathered. You can apply conditions and view specific and relevant feedback. For example, with conditions you can view only the responses of people who have given you a rating of less than 5, those only from a specific region, or even from two different regions in order to compare them. 
What else can you do?
Push data using custom functions and Webhook
Besides playing around with different reports, you can use the responses to trigger other functions. Use  custom functions and  Webhook to push data into other applications like Zoho Projects, Salesforce, Zendesk, etc. For example, if you've gotten a bad rating, you can automatically trigger a support ticket to your customer service software to contact that particular customer. 
Map data to Zoho CRM
The feedback you receive can be mapped and pushed to your  Zoho CRM account, where you can keep track of the surveys being sent out to your customers and what their responses have been over time.
Dive deep into analytics
Discover relationships and predict patterns using regression analysis. Understand underlying trends, test hypothesis, churn rates, and customer lifetime value by pushing your data to Zoho Sheet,  Google Sheets, and  Zoho Analytics. Zoho Analytics also helps derive insights from the data collected through dashboards and an AI called Zia who can answer questions about your data. 
Watch this space for more tips!