Tiny Tip Tuesday #23

Tiny Tip Tuesday #23

Using surveys in our day-to-day lives

Tiny Tip Tuesdays are back after a short break! Let's take a look at a few situations where surveys can make your day-to-day lives much easier.

Plan a dinner with your college friends
Who wouldn't like to take some time out of their busy days and go on a dinner outing with college mates! Run a quick survey in your college group and decide on the time and venue for the meet up.

Pick a farewell gift for a colleague
When you have a large team working with you, it's difficult to go around asking people for opinions on gifts. Instead, you could run a survey with your colleagues and come up with ideas for the farewell. 

Gather personal feedback
It's good to get constructive feedback from people around you so you can appreciate your positives and work on your areas that need improvement. A survey is a great tool to analyze how others perceive you and identify any changes you might want to make.

These are just a few ideas of how you could use surveys to improve your life or organize your days better. Let us know if you would like to know how to use Zoho Surveys in a particular situation. Just send an email to support@zohosurvey.com and we'd be glad to help.