Tiny Tip Tuesday #4

Tiny Tip Tuesday #4

Is it okay to ask personal questions?

No. It isn't.

Here's why!

As important as it is to set survey goals, keep surveys short, and make questions optional, it's also essential to respect your respondents' privacy. Always keep in mind that personal questions can make respondents feel uncomfortable. If asking for personal details is necessary, it is best to ask them at the very end of your survey, while ensuring privacy. Always respect the person who has given you these details. Be sure to ask for consent before contacting them, and do not send spam emails. Remember that GDPR and other privacy policies have been introduced to prevent spam and improve privacy concerns.

It's important to remember to only ask questions that are relevant and to the point. While prompting your respondents for honest answers, assure them that they will remain confidential. Also, never ask questions that may cause offense. These types of questions often lead to a loss of interest and unfinished surveys. It's best to avoid questions related to money, age, religious interests, and other personal details, unless it's completely necessary.

Keep your eyes open for more helpful tips in the future!