Tiny Tip Tuesday #50

Tiny Tip Tuesday #50

Which type of questions get you the best response rate?
Anyone preparing a survey wants to attract the highest number of respondents possible. There are various types of questions that can build surveys and gather data. However, a bit of research helps you determine the type of questions that will give you the best response rate. 
Here are some examples of question types that can help you collect more responses:
  1. Multiple choice: Provide your respondents with a question that has one or more answers to choose from.
  2. Matrix rating scale: Understand the success of your product/service based on a rating from your respondents.
  3. Matrix grid: Group multiple choice questions on a matrix grid and receive data in the form of short answers, numbers, dates, and drop-down selections.
  4. Slider: Receive percentage or number values in response to your questions.
  5. Rating: Receive rating responses as data, and display a scale of answer options ranging from 1 — 10 in the form of numerals or smiley faces.
  6. Open-ended: Give your respondents the liberty to write freely without restrictions to convey their thoughts more effectively. 
Try these question types in your future surveys, and let us know how it helped. Watch this space for a new tip!