Tiny Tip Tuesday #51

Tiny Tip Tuesday #51

Survey end pages are one of the more under-utilized types of pages that can yield better response rates for your business in the long run. In this article, we'll be going through some of the ways that Zoho Survey helps you keep the respondents of your brand or personality engaged and aware using different custom survey end page messages. Here are the different types of end page choices: 

  1. End page logic: Add end page logic to redirect respondents based on their response, score, custom variable, and collector.

  2. Zoho Survey's "thank you" page: Display a default "thank you" page that confirms the survey submission.

  3. Show summary of responses: Summarize the respondent's responses on your survey's end page. 

  4. Show the submitted response: Show the response submitted by the respondent. 

  5. Custom message: Write a custom message to your respondents; showcase the originality of your brand or product with images, links, and videos. 

  6. Redirect to a new page: Redirect the respondent to a different web page regarding an upcoming product or promotion of your choice