Tiny Tip Tuesday #8

Tiny Tip Tuesday #8

Quiz time!

Did you know that you can create quizzes using surveys? It's easy to create a survey and assign scores to assess your respondents' skills and competencies. Make sure to ask the right questions and score them fairly. Conduct a quiz for your teammates, students, customers, or employees, and see how our scoring feature makes your assessments easier and faster.

Here's all you need to know about quizzing and scoring:
  • Your respondents can take the quiz on any device.
  • You can measure the responses by assigning a numeric value to each answer.
  • You can also assign negative scores to certain answers.
  • You can display the scores right at the end of the survey or send them as an email.
  • You can access the responses and their scores in real-time with our reports.
  • You can apply logic conditions to your survey end page and customize it based on the scores.
  • You can set up triggered emails for the survey scores.
Here's a sample quiz we worked on. Take it and let us know how it worked for you. Be on the lookout for another tip in the coming week.