Tips and Tricks #02: Create stunning sales chart in a minute.

Tips and Tricks #02: Create stunning sales chart in a minute.


We're back again with another Show tip!

Let's say your company's sales performance across various countries (Japan, Russia, Canada, India, and China) is measured for the first quarter of the year. Now, you decide to plot them on a pie chart to show the sales values of different regions by percentage. Next, you sit down to fill in and customize parameters, such as chart title, data labels, legend position, axis labels, and on and on and on. 

However, even after spending all your time and effort formatting and fine-tuning your chart elements, it's still failing to highlight and visualize your data values more effectively. Why? 
Because you're missing a simple trick that'll add magic to your charts, in a snap. 

Applying chart layouts and styles in Zoho Show.

So what are chart layouts and styles?

  • Chart layouts control where you position different chart elements such as the title, the data labels, axis and the legends in your chart. 

  • And, chart styles transform its visual appearance by applying colors, gradient, picture, or pattern and an outline to the chosen chart type. 

Both layouts and styles help your numbers look smarter in front of your boss or client! 

Here's how you apply them to your charts:

1. Pick a chart layout.

Click the Chart tab and then More... to choose from different chart layout presets, like to position the legend below the chart, to display a chart table, and to show or hide the axis labels. Chart layouts will vary by chart types. 

2. Choose your desired style. 

Click the Style tab and then More... to choose your chart style, like tile pattern, outline, and background fill. Further, customize its color and border to highlight and differentiate each element. 
Note that chart styles use the colors of the current presentation theme. You can change the colors by switching to a different theme at anytime.

So the next time you present your sales report, you can make sure your audience pays attention to your data and doesn't just skim through the numbers. 

We hope you found this useful! Please leave your feedback in the comments below, and don't forget to click follow
to get notified of all our upcoming tips. 

We'll be back soon with another useful tip! Until then, keep experimenting and devising your own hacks for Zoho Show!

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