Tip #10 - Effective visitor queue management

Tip #10 - Effective visitor queue management

Using LiveDesk can increase your chat conversions and improve customer support productivity. But how do you manage your chat queues with the increase in volumes? 

Without the knowledge of the number of chats in the queue, and the ability to make real-time adjustments might get you into the risk of losing customers and overworking of your agents. 

Maximize the benefits that LiveDesk offers you
LiveDesk gives you an Easy chat notification and icons to handle the chats in the "Waiting Visitors queue". It gives the agents an insight about your visitor’s information before picking the chat from the chat queue.

Need to know more on Managing chats?
  Number of Incoming chats.

  Tells you whether the visitor is New to your chat support database.

  Tells you whether the visitor is already existing in your chat support database.

   Department for which the chat is initiated.

   Web Embed from which the chat is initiated.

  The Last Chat attender of that Visitor.

  The Website URL from where the chat is initiated.

You can also know the time left for the visitor to start the conversation. LiveDesk uses the principle of “First in & First out” in displaying visitors in the queue. This helps the agents to spot right visitor to start the chat conversation.

You will also get the information such as the average of last five ratings, the Visitor Question and the Country before picking up the chat.

Get your self amazed using LiveDesk.


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