Hola! It seems that you are ready to save two more minutes in your busy schedule. How? Just take a look at this tip and get to know how it becomes a useful functionality in your daily project management process.
Focus: Posting a status is now equal to adding a task, bug or even a forum.
Purpose: It saves your time and accomplishes your work right within the feeds page.
Use cases:
-When you want to add a task or bug at the same time, you can just post a status, and convert it to a task or a bug.
-Convert a status to a forum and access the forums right from the feeds page.
Availability: All plans
How to convert your status into task, bug and forum?
1. In the Projects or Home tab, click the Status in the Smart Add tool.
2. Enter the task name, bug name or forum name that you want to add to your project.
3. Click the Action menu and select either one of these:
-Convert into task
-Convert into bug
-Convert into forum
How to view the converted task, bug, and forum?
If you had used this conversion feature and changed your status into a task, forum or bug, then the corresponding icon (shown below) will show up at the right corner of that status.
For example
This tip will be helpful when you run out of time in creating a new task, bug, and forum. Try out this new enhancement and post your feedback here!
Monica. R