Tip #16 - Meetings in Scrum

Tip #16 - Meetings in Scrum

"What's up for today?"
"How's the work going?"
"Did you finish the overdue task?"
"Why couldn't the deadline be met?"
"What's our next set of plans?
.......Keeps loading
When it comes to work, questions are often raised. Those back-to-back meeting sessions, rushing to complete the target, preparing for the next set of goals etc. - You will not know where to focus. This is why scrum teams are always in a safe zone because they schedule meetings at every stage of the work they do and remain focused. 

Every stage of work goes through a meeting session so you never fall off-track. Get to know in which stage of work you are, schedule a meeting, and get things on track.
Refer our resource center and learn more or contact support@zohosprints.com if you have any queries. 

Collaborate & succeed,
Monica. R

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