Tip #6.1 Notify vendors whenever you receive goods automatically

Tip #6.1 Notify vendors whenever you receive goods automatically


Hope you are doing good.

Last time, we saw how we could automate the process of giving discounts at item level to customers based on the total number of items per item group on a sales order. Today, we are going to see how we can send out email notifications to vendors whenever purchased items reach your store or warehouse. 

This post has been divided into 2 parts. In this part, we will only talk about delivery notifications. In part 2, we will tell you how you can send reminders to vendors about the products that you are yet to receive.

How does this work?

The idea is to trigger a notification in the form of an email to the vendor informing them of your acknowledgement of a successful delivery, whenever you record a purchase receive for a purchase order within Zoho Inventory. 

Setting up the custom function:

Log in to your Zoho account and click on this link to generate an Auth Token which is required to make this work.
  • Open your Zoho Inventory organization.

  • Navigate to Settings using the gear icon from the top-right corner.

  • Select Automation from the sidebar. Now click on the button adjacent to +New Workflow Rule.

  • Out of the four options from the drop-down, select Custom Functions.

  • Now let's add a name to this workflow rule and make sure that there are no spaces between words.

  • Select Purchase Orders against module.

  • Add a description if you need one.

  • Now, the workflow type is going to be Event Based.

  • The condition to set shall be, "When a Purchase Order is" "Created or Edited".

  • Function shall be executed "When any field is updated".

  • And set the frequency of execution to "Everytime".

  • Next, you are required to set two triggers that can execute this custom function. You can do so by clicking on the Apply Advanced Filter option below the workflow condition.

    • Trigger 1: "When" the "Purchase Receive Status" "is" "Partially Received".

    • Trigger 2: "Or" when the "Purchase Receive Status" "is" "Received"

  • Now copy and paste this code snippet into the deluge pane:

purchaseorderID = purchaseorder.get("purchaseorder_id");

purchaseorderdate = purchaseorder.get("date").toDate();
organizationID = organization.get("organization_id");
vendorID = purchaseorder.get("vendor_id");
str = "RECEIVE DETAILS<br>";
res = invokeurl
url :"https://inventory.zoho.com/api/v1/purchaseorders/" + purchaseorderID + "?authtoken=" + authtoken + "&organization_id=" + organizationID
type :GET
r = res.get("purchaseorder");
l = List();
l = r.get("purchasereceives").toList();
num = l.size();
last = num - 1;
ind = l.get(last);
prid = ind.get("receive_id");
ress = invokeurl
url :"https://inventory.zoho.com/api/v1/purchasereceives/" + prid + "?authtoken=" + authtoken + "&organization_id=" + organizationID
type :GET
pr = ress.get("purchasereceive");
lineitem = pr.get("line_items").toList();
for each line in lineitem
str = str + " ";
str = str + line.get("name");
str = str + " ";
str = str + "---";
str = str + " ";
str = str + line.get("quantity");
str = str + "<br>";
info str;
resp = invokeurl
url :"https://inventory.zoho.com/api/v1/contacts/" + vendorID + "?authtoken=" + authtoken + "&organization_id=" + organizationID
type :GET
cont = resp.get("contact");
contactdet = cont.get("contact_persons").toList();
//info contactdet;
for each deta in contactdet
vendoremail = deta.get("email").toString();
info vendoremail;
from :zoho.loginuserid
to : vendoremail //EMAIL ID
message :str
  • Don't forget to navigate to the line containing the authtoken within the code snippet and replace the XXXXXXXXXXX with the auth token number that you had generated in the first step.

  • To send this notification to one or more dedicated email addresses instead of the vendor, you can do that by navigating to this line:

    • to : vendoremail //EMAIL ID

    • And replace vendoremail with one or more email addresses of your choice like "abc@xyz.com, def@xyz.com"

  • Hit Save to finish.

Hope this helps with your purchase follow-ups. Please check out the part 2 of this post to learn how you can send out reminder notifications to vendors about the products you are yet to receive whenever a vendor sends you goods in parts.

Until next time.

Your everyday end user,
Ajay Aadhithya Chandrasekaran
Zoho Inventory