Tip #7: Power of form controllers in SalesIQ - various outputs of a form

Tip #7: Power of form controllers in SalesIQ - various outputs of a form

Form controllers in Zoho SalesIQ can be used to customize your forms to collect multiple structured data as inputs from your operators to perform a particular action or push the data to any application. This post will talk about how powerful these form controllers are and what responses will be returned by the form controller after the required inputs have been collected.

Say we have a visitor that has landed on an automobile website - Zylker Auto, and the operator is trying to add a deal using a form.

Display a banner when an action is performed:

  • If you want to display a success/failure banner based on whether the action performed inside the form was successful or a failure, you can use the banner response type.
  • In the example here, we click the Add deal button and when the deal is created successfully, we display a success banner for the same

Edit a section inside your form:

  • Say, you have 4 sections in your form and you want to edit one or all of them and display a success/failure banner displayed once the editing is successfully done, you can use sections_edit. It contains a list of the existing sections inside the form that have to be edited/modified. 
  • Here, the Add deal button is clicked and a form appears, a deal is created successfully using sections_edit and a success/failure banner will be displayed.

Throw an error message when there are incorrect inputs:

  • Whenever a form is submitted with unintended inputs, the form's error object allows you to throw an error message.
  • Form error messages can be handled either for the entire form or for individual fields as well. 
  • So, here in the example, we display an error message when the user has missed filling out a mandatory field - the email field in the form.

Modify fields inside your form:

  • To remove, clear, update, add_before, add_after, enable or disable fields in the form, you can use form_modification.
  • This response type is the output of the Form Controller's Change handler
  • Here, when the email subscription box is checked, we display the checkbox section that allows users to choose the type of mails that they want to receive using form_modification.

To learn more about Form Controllers, check out our Help Documentation.
