Tip #9 - Notification

Tip #9 - Notification

A Notification helps you to know if there is something new, missed or an action, which might need your attention. Notification center makes our digital lives easier. You can manage your time around by simply tweaking into notifications and prioritize what's really important.

Need a notification center?
Get quick and easy notifications with LiveDesk notification center. When you have a new notification, a red bubble will appear with the number of new notifications you've received in the Bottom Bar of your LiveDesk operator console. A click over it will take you to a Notification center pop up with separate notifications.

What does LiveDesk Notifies?
LiveDesk notifies you for Missed Chats, Unread Agents chats and for approving or rejecting blocked IP’s.

1. Unread Chat – You will get notified when there is an unread chats from your agents. Just a click will take you for a ride into Internal chat history.

2. Missed Visitor – When a LiveChat is missed, a notification is added. Click on it will take you to the Missed Visitor Chats view where you can assign or reply to those chats through emails.

3. Block IP Notification - All the agents in LiveDesk has the power to blacklist a specific IP address, but only the Administrator or Supervisor can approve the IP Blocking done by the Agent. LiveDesk instantly show such requests in the notification center for Administrator and Supervisors.

Easy going with LiveDesk Notifications.


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