Tip of the week #22 - Organize your personal threads better

Tip of the week #22 - Organize your personal threads better

We live in a time where we are bombarded by emails day in, day out. This eventually piles up to a cluttered inbox with huge volumes of emails.


Say you are the digital marketing manager of your company. Your team sends you reports on SEO performance, important backlinks to be added, targeted keywords, paid promotion performance, NPS survey reports, and so on.


You decide to take upon a look at the SEO performance for the months of June and July. It becomes impossible to dive into an ocean of emails in your inbox and get the specific email that is needed now. Your productivity also takes a hit when you have to spend the prime hours of the day searching for that email.


This is where you can make use of personal tags. You can sort emails by adding tags manually, or you can even automate the process by giving a rule such that when an email meets certain conditions, it is automatically assigned a tag. You can use different color codes to differentiate the tags. Also, you can use more than one tag for a thread.


Once you do that, you can access the threads assigned with a certain tag by just clicking on the tag name in the left pane.

Use the 'tags' feature and let us know how it helped you sort your emails better.


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