Tip of the week #29 - Automate the processes in your inbox

Tip of the week #29 - Automate the processes in your inbox

There are certain settings in your inbox that you might want to turn on or off according to your preferences.
  • Add new users to an inbox as and when they are added to a team - Let's say there's a marketing team in your startup, and you have created two inboxes under your team - "Content" and "MarOps". Now you wish to create a new inbox - "PR". You want the entire team to get a taste of all the marketing activities happening in the organization. You can now enable a setting for your inbox where every member you add to your Marketing team will automatically be added to the inbox you want to. This way, you can save time and effort from manually adding members to your inbox.
  • Automatically assign thread upon reply - Say you are a team of five and you receive emails in your shared inbox on a daily basis. Suppose a teammate of yours opens an email, replies to it and forgets to assign the thread to themselves. The thread will remain in the “Unassigned” view and other members might think of it as a thread that has not been attended to yet. To prevent this, you can utilise the “Automatically assign thread upon reply” option, which allows you to automatically assign an unassigned thread to the person who first makes a reply in that thread. This way, you can also cut down on manual work and ensure emails have been attended to by you or your team members.
  • Automatically set your source address as CC - In Zoho TeamInbox, you can create and use sender addresses which might be different from that of your source address. For instance, you might receive an email in your source address (marketing@zylker.com) but you might want to reply to that from (eu-marketing@zylker.com). In this case, you can choose to automatically set your source address as CC, so that the replies made by your recipients will be received in this inbox, provided they've hit 'Reply-all'.
You can manage these options in the Settings page of Zoho TeamInbox.

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