Tip of the week #6 - Organize threads under different Zoho TeamInbox views

Tip of the week #6 - Organize threads under different Zoho TeamInbox views

When you open your inbox at the start of your work day, you don't want it to be a mess. Zoho TeamInbox lets you keep your threads right where they should be. Use the following views to keep your inbox organized.
The 'Assigned to me' view is where you can find threads assigned to you. It's enough if you try and aim Inbox Zero for this view, and leave the rest to your teammates.
The 'Assigned to others' view lists all the thread assigned to your teammates.
The 'Following' view lists all the threads you're following.
The 'Shared with me' view lists the threads shared with you. You can share threads with teammates by @mentioning them in the comments.
The 'Snoozed' view keeps all the threads you've snoozed until the time you've set.
The 'Unread' view keeps the unread threads of all your inboxes.
In addition to the above views, you'll have separate unassigned, open, archived and snoozed view under every inbox.
You can also apply tags to your threads to organize them under categories.
Use these views and tell us how they work for you. We'd also love to hear what other topics you want us to discuss on. Let us know in the comments below. 

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