Tips and Tricks #33: Pick the right animation effect for your slide chart with Show

Tips and Tricks #33: Pick the right animation effect for your slide chart with Show

Hi everyone!

Want to emphasize numerical or qualitative data using charts in your presentations?
Great news: Show makes it easy to highlight your data using animations. In addition to animating the whole chart at once, you can animate every element in your graph and set the animation to run for a specified duration or on click. This helps you to bring even the most minute details to light as you explain them to your audience.
For example, if you want to show the market value of utility vehicles for a period of three years using the Marked Line chart, you can animate each Value in the graph to show the variations clearly to the viewers.  

Similarly, you can also animate sectors, columns, or bars of a chart to create more dynamic content and make your data easy to understand.
Here are some suggestions to help you pick the right animation effect for your next chart:

  • Mild effects such as Wipe, Draw, Zoom, Grow, and Fade are ideal for bar and line charts. Any change made over a period of time can be easily demonstrated using these options. These effects are understated enough to look professional and can be used in any business presentation.

    For example, let's say you want to compare the sales performance in your organization for two consecutive years using a bar chart. Animate each bar in the graph using an effect like Grow to show the progress in the total revenue obtained.
  • Effects like Wheel are suitable for highlighting data in the segments of a pie chart. The pattern appears based on the number of Spokes you have set using the right panel. This makes it easy for comparing and illustrating each part of the whole. Similarly, Zoom and Fade effects will also work well with the pie chart.

    For example, let's say you want to show the different factors contributing to the productivity of an organization using a pie chart. You can animate each slice of the chart using an effect like Zoom to display your information prominently and draw attention to each slice as you present it.
  • Effects like Fade look good on bubble charts. Using this effect, you can explain each bubble in detail as they appear on the slide.

    For example, to present the financial report for the current year using a Bubble chart, you can animate the data points using the Fade effect. The bubbles will gradually enlarge and then subsequently fade-out as you talk about them.

  • Commonly used effects like Fade, Appear, and Wipe can be used for showing different values over a time period in an area chart. These effects are simple, easy to follow, and ideal for presenting any complex information in your graph.  

    For example, if you want to show the sales analysis for the current year using an area chart, you can animate the series using Appear effect so that the variations will turn up instantly on the slide.
Note: Use a limited number of animation effects for any slide chart to avoid too many distracting movements in your presentation.
We hope you found these tips helpful! Try out some of the many different animation effects Show offers for your slide graphs and let us know your feedback in the comment section below.
In case you have missed our previous post in the Tips and Tricks series, you can find them here.  

Happy presenting!
—the Show team   

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