TIPS AND TRICKS #4 - Dashboard Tips

TIPS AND TRICKS #4 - Dashboard Tips

The importance of a comprehensive Account Receivables dashboard can’t be overstated.  Zoho Invoice offers an insightful dashboard that gives you a clear picture of your company’s finances, key performance indicators and real-time summarized AR data.


Let’s see, how you can make the most of it to increase the profitability of your business.

Note: You can refer to the attached GIF files for exact steps.

How does it Work-

Login to Zoho Invoice and access the Dashboard.


The Total Receivables section displays the money your customers owes you. This section is largely divided into two parts: Current shows the amount that you are yet to receive for invoices that have not yet crossed the payment due date. While the Overdue amounts denotes the invoices that have crossed the due date.

Clicking on the amount under the respective period will redirect you to AR Aging Details report by Invoice due date.

The Sales and Expenses section displays the Total Sales, Total Receipts and Total Expenses of your organization. You can click on the colored bars to view the Sales by Customer report (blue bar) and the Payments Received report (green bar) for the given month.

♦ Now, clicking on Total Sales, Total Receipts and Total Expenses will take you to the respective reports for different time periods (any specific Fiscal year, Previous fiscal year or over the last 12 months).

In the Your Top Expenses pie chart, you can click on the Expense categories mentioned to display the Expenses by Category report as per the time period chosen near the Your Top Expenses label.

In the Projects section of the dashboard, you can click on a project name to view the details and manage it. Hovering mouse over a project will show the billed hours and unbilled hours of the respective project. You can also view the unbilled expenses associated with projects from here.

Pro Tip: You can edit an existing project you have and enable Add to the watch list on my dashboard option to add the project to the dashboard for quick access.

The Sales, Receipts, and Dues table in the bottom of the dashboard displays the sales, receipts and dues of your business over different time periods. You can click on the amounts to view detailed information on the module over the respective period.

You can also use the +New option to create a new invoice/ recurring invoice/ customer payment.

Try it and let us know what you think in the comments below! We'll be back with a new post, so stay tuned.


Sarath Prasad

Zoho Invoice Team