Tips and Tricks #44: Instantly add project reports to your slides with the Zoho Sprints add-on for Show

Tips and Tricks #44: Instantly add project reports to your slides with the Zoho Sprints add-on for Show

Hi Everyone!   

Assume you are delivering a presentation about an ongoing or recent project to your managers. Your team is working on this project using agile methodology, and you want to include a few data graphics to help your managers track team performance and project progress. This can be done easily using the Zoho Sprints add-on for Show.
Using the Sprints add-on, you can add charts displaying data from a specific sprint, project, epic, or release, helping you present project updates to your managers in a meaningful and actionable manner.    
You can use the Sprints add-on to generate reports from within Show without having to navigate to the project management tool to download reports. All you have to do is install Zoho Sprints from Add-On Store and select your team from the drop-down menu. The add-on will load a set of visual elements called Sprints Cards with real-time indicators, which denote project progress on the slide.   
You can pick a Card from the Sprints, Projects, Epic, Users, or Release section, click Choose Card to provide the required details, and then click Create to generate a report.        

You can also sync all your data in real time on your slide, eliminating the need to change the details manually.    

Insert Cards to illustrate a specific phase of your project 

If you want to generate a report about the work items created in a particular phase of your project, you can use the Sprints Details Card to show details like overall project progress and number of work items completed so far.   
You can use the Sprint Work Items Card when you want to show the different work items created along with their status in a period.     
Note: Using the Select Chart option, you can include charts showing details like overall progress, work item count, and top users in the report.

Include Projects Cards to reinforce team objectives

The Projects Details Card is a great option when you want to generate a detailed report about a specific project. Add this to your slide to display details like project owner, duration, description, overall completion rate, backlog items, and number of engaged users.
Use the All Work Items Card when you want to create a detailed report about the different work items, estimation points, project status, and time frames for a particular View type.    
Note: The Select View type drop-down lists two options: Team View and My View. Select Team View when you want to display all the work items assigned to your team. Pick the My View option when you want to show all the work items assigned to you.   
Using the Select Chart option you can add charts showing details like overall completion, backlog items, and status productivity in the presentation.    

Add Epic Cards to unfold details of a large feature

For example, let's say your team is working on a set of work items created under an epic that will run across multiple sprints. For this, you can use Epic Cards to generate reports for your epic.    
You can use the Epic Details Card when you want to display details like the time frames, estimation points, overall progress, and number of work items for that epic.  
The Epic List Card is an ideal choice when you want to show a list of epics that are active, completed, or suspended.   

Include User Cards to display the different roles and profiles 

At times, you may want to show your managers different roles and profiles created in your team for a particular period or project. For this, you can pick Users List Cards from the Users section.
You can choose the User Details Cards when you want to show a report about a user's performance for a particular period or project. This will display details like their project, role, profile, work item status, estimation point status, and progress meters in the presentation.
Note: Using the Select Chart option, you can include charts showing details like user status and progress meter in the report.

Include Release Cards to illustrate details of an upcoming launch   

For instance, imagine your team is coming up with the next version of the product and you want to generate a report of this launch on a slide instantly.  In such cases, you can use the Release Details Card under the Release section to display details like the overall progress, release owners, time frames, estimation points, and number of work items.
You can further enhance the Cards' visual elements using your Format panel in Show.
We hope you found this post useful! We'll be back with more interesting tips for Show.
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Happy presenting!
—the Show team   

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