Tips and Tricks #45: Create and deliver presentations using Show's multiple View options

Tips and Tricks #45: Create and deliver presentations using Show's multiple View options

Hi All! 

Show offers six views to help you perform specific actions in your presentation. The Normal, Master, and Sorter views help you create slide decks while the Slideshow, Presenter, and Print views help you deliver and distribute presentations.  
In order to easily switch to a view while working on a presentation, the Normal, Master, and Sorter views are available as a drop-down menu in the bottom bar in the main Show interface.
Similarly, you have the Slideshow and Presenter views present under the Play drop-down in the top-right corner of the screen, while the Print option is found under the File menu.   

Edit content on a slide using the Normal View 

Using the Normal View option, you can create and modify your slide deck any time. This is the default view in Show.   

The thumbnail pane on the left of the Normal View provides a preview of all the slides in your presentation. The slide area at the center contains a comprehensive toolbar, from which you can pick any object and insert it onto your presentation. You can further select an object on the slide to view a wide-range of formatting options specific to that element on the right pane. For example, if you have a table on the slide, you can select it to view editing options like Header & Footer, Gridlines, and Distribute cells in the contextual toolbar.

Customize your presentation in just a few clicks 

At times, you may want to create a new presentation template so your team can reuse it. In  such cases, you can use the Master View. In this view, you can access the Master slide and its associated layouts.
The right pane lets you add and edit placeholders like Title, Content, Text, and Image on the Master slide or a layout. You can further move, resize, rotate, align, or rearrange the placeholders from this pane. This way, you can organize all the elements on the slide quickly and efficiently. You can now add content to these placeholders so they show up either on the entire presentation or on specific slides. You can further edit these placeholders any time in the Master View to make your slide deck look more consistent.   

From the right pane, you can include details like date, slide number, and footer message either throughout the entire presentation or on specific slides. You can also move the footer message to the top and make it the header of your slide.
You can apply background fills throughout your presentation or just on specific slides using the Master slide and its layouts.
You can also modify text, pictures, shapes, tables, and other objects on the Master slide or its layouts. This way, you can save time editing the elements on every slide in the presentation.

Reorder and review the slides using the Sorter View 

You can use the Sorter View option when you want to take a look at the miniature version of your slide deck so you can easily rearrange your slides in the proper sequence. In this window, you can add, delete, duplicate, lock, and play slides. You can further hide or show certain slides in your presentation.

The Sorter View is also an ideal choice when you want to glance at all the styles and formats used in your slide deck. You can adjust the Zoom slider to take a closer look at the content.   

Run the presentation in a full screen mode 

You can use the Slideshow View when you want to run the presentation in a new window to check its design.
You can click the Play button when you want to preview the current slide. This is useful especially when you have gifs, videos, or Smart Elements on the slide. You can get an idea of how these objects will play at the time of presentation.

Likewise, the From Beginning option under the Play drop-down is a good choice when you want to run the presentation from the start to check if the slides are advancing according to the set duration. You can also confirm whether the transition and animation effects are appearing based on the properties you set.  
You can also use the Slideshow view to deliver a presentation to a group in a meeting room. You can use the marker tools at the bottom of this view to highlight key areas in your slide.    

Track the time elapsed during a presentation using the Presenter View 

You can click the Presenter View option when you want to rehearse your presentation with a timer.  
On the right pane of the Presenter View, you can view the upcoming slide and its related notes. You also have the option to preview all the slides in your presentation.  

Let's say you have to deliver a presentation at your client's place within one hour and you know that you can complete the presentation in half an hour (because you have already rehearsed with the timer). In this case, you can use some options in the Presenter View to utilize that extra time given to you. For example, you can use the delivery tools at the bottom of this view to give a recap and emphasize key points in your presentation or use the Blackout option to cover your slide and engage in a discussion with your audience.

Preview the slides before printing  

You can enable a few options under Print and visualize how your presentation will look on a hard copy.  For example, you can choose the Slides option when you want to include just the image of your slide in the sheet so that there's plenty of space for your audience to take notes. The Slides with notes is useful when you want to share copies of your presentation along with your own presenter notes. You can choose the Handouts option when you want to create copies of your presentation along with some space for the audience to share their feedback.

We hope you found this article helpful! We'll be back with more interesting tips for Show.  
In case you missed our previous posts in the Tips and Tricks series, you can find them here.  
You can connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to learn more about how Show can help improve your business communications. You may also write to us at or comment below.
Happy presenting!
—the Show team  

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