Tips and Tricks #48: Space-out objects evenly in your slides using Snap To tools in Show

Tips and Tricks #48: Space-out objects evenly in your slides using Snap To tools in Show

Hi All! 

When it comes to creating a well-designed presentation, aligning objects precisely on the slide is important. However, this can become tedious when done manually.    
In order to help you distribute objects uniformly in a slide, Show offers Snap To tools like Guides, Grids, and Objects in the bottom bar. Using these, you can easily adjust the size, orientation, and position of your shapes without them intersecting or overlapping. This way, you can make your presentation look more appealing and professional.   
The grid or guidelines will not be printed or seen in the slideshow mode.  

Align objects symmetrically in a slide deck using Guides 

Using Show's Guides tool, you can line up shapes horizontally or vertically. You can further drag guidelines along the axes until the required pixel position is obtained. 

The Guides are red-dotted cross lines that intersect exactly at the center of the slide.  This can be a useful option when you want to position an element in the middle of the layout or according to the center.    

Snap objects perfectly on a slide using Grids   

You can enable the Grids option when you want to align multiple objects in relation to each other. This is useful especially when you want to create complex diagrams or work flows in a presentation.  
The black-dotted cross lines help you clip your shapes to the required anchor point or pixel position. As a result, you will be able to create a well-proportioned and neat design.

The grid lines appear static in a slide deck and can be used when you want to move or reposition a shape elsewhere in the layout.
Additionally, the grid lines form small boundary boxes on the slide layout which can be used as a measure to resize objects. This helps you create uniform shapes across the presentation.

Adjust the orientation of elements precisely in a presentation using Objects 

Sometimes, you may want to align an element with respect to the layout, placeholders, or other elements in the slide. In these cases, you can use the Objects tool.
With the Objects tool, you can orient an element relative to another shape's center or edges.  

Note: A black-dotted line will appear as you move an object with respect to the layout or other elements.
You can also drag the shape and position it exactly at the center of the slide, if required.
Note: A blue cross line will appear when the object is positioned in the middle of the slide.  
The Objects tool is also useful when you want to place a few objects at equal distances from each other.
Note: An orange arrow will appear when the objects are equidistant.
You can further arrange your objects in the Master View so that they appear throughout your slide deck or on specific slides.
If required, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move an object inch by inch.
We hope you found this article helpful! We'll be back with more interesting tips for Show.
In case you missed our previous posts in the Tips and Tricks series, you can find them here.  
You can connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to learn more about how Show can help improve your business communications. You may also write to us at or comment below.
Happy presenting!
—the Show team   

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