Tips and Tricks #49: Five slide layouts to help you create a perfect presentation

Tips and Tricks #49: Five slide layouts to help you create a perfect presentation

Hi All!

It is important to place your content neatly on your slide to make your presentation readable and engaging. This is when layouts come in handy. They contain placeholders for every element, including title, text, and image. You can quickly add your content in the respective placeholders to retain clarity and make sure your information is understood.    
Show offers slide layouts for you to use to create quality presentations, even when you only have a little time to put it all together     

Add a cover page to your presentation  

The Title Slide layout can be used to display basic details of the presentation like the title, company name, presenter name, tagline, logo, date, and venue. It is should be the opening slide in your presentation and a visual introduction of the design used in your entire slide deck.
The big, bold font in the Title placeholder and the medium, normal font in the Text (subtitle) placeholder is an ideal combination to introduce your topic to the audience. You can further add visuals to support the details and make the slide visually appealing.

The Title Slide layout can also be used as an ending slide—simply display your key message in the Title placeholder and additional points in the Text (subtitle) placeholder.  

Elaborate on your concept with a title and content  

The Title and Content slide layout is a great option when you want to get started with the subject in your presentation. You can add the topic in the Title placeholder and mention key points in the Content placeholder. You can edit the List Style to fit your design using the right pane.

You can also illustrate your text with visuals in the Content placeholder using the icons provided.

Divide your data into two portions within the slide  

The Two Content layout is an ideal choice when you want to split your content and compare it as two different parts on one slide. This way, you can make lengthy content easy to comprehend for your audience. This layout contains a Title and two Content placeholders.  


Reinforce your concept with visual elements 

You can emphasize or add more clarity to your content with a relevant illustration next to it. This helps your audience easily comprehend the essence of your message.

The Content with Caption slide layout has a Title, Text, and Content placeholder, to which you can add a media file, table, or chart.

Add a relevant image next to your content  

To make understanding easy, you can support your slide content with a suitable image next to it. The Image with Caption slide layout has both a Content and an Image placeholder next to each other so that you can present your information with a photo or illustration.   

Additionally, you can also add or remove placeholders in a layout based on your needs. The changes you make will reflect on all the slides using that layout.
You can also edit placeholders in the Master slide to reflect changes throughout your slide deck.     
We hope you found this post useful! We'll be back with more interesting tips for Show.
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Happy presenting!
—the Show team     

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