TIPS AND TRICKS #5 - Recording Multiple Invoice Payments and Storing Credits

TIPS AND TRICKS #5 - Recording Multiple Invoice Payments and Storing Credits

There might be situations when your customer pays for all their due invoices using any offline payment method. In addition to that, they might also pay an advance amount for their future invoice(s). It will be a hassle to open each invoice and record payment for each of them manually and to keep track of all the receipts. In order to avoid this, you can create a customer payment receipt with the received amount and allocate the amount to the invoices at once. The excess amount available will be stored as credits for the customer.

Let's see how this can be done.

How does it Work-

Navigate to Customers module and open the respective Customer profile.
Now click on New Transaction from top right corner and choose Customer Payment.
Enter the necessary details and enter the amount received from your customer in the Amount Received field.
Now it will prompt you with a message '' Would you like this amount to be reflected in the Payment field? ''. Hit Yes to automatically allocate the amount to the Invoices listed below.
Now click on Save. Another message will popup asking '' Would you like to store the excess amount of $___ as over payment from this customer? ''.
♦  Hit Continue to Save to save the excess amount as credits for the customer which you can later apply to the customer's future invoices.

Pro Tip - You can also create a Payment receipt from Payments Received module.

Try it and let us know what you think in the comments below! We'll be back with a new post, so stay tuned.



Sarath Prasad

Zoho Invoice Team