Tips and Tricks #18: Selecting multiple objects in the Zoho Show Android app

Tips and Tricks #18: Selecting multiple objects in the Zoho Show Android app

Hi Everyone, 

The Android app for Show allows you to edit, format, move, cut, copy, paste, and delete multiple objects simultaneously. The bulk selection includes objects such as shapes, text boxes, symbols, smart elements, media files, and charts. You can choose the bulk selection feature when you have multiple items in a slide which all have to be formatted similarly. There are two methods to select objects in bulk in the Show Android app.

Method 1: 
To select objects that don't form a continuous group, objects of different sizes, or objects layered one on top of another, use the "long press" method. 

To select multiple objects in a slide: 
  1. Open the slide with multiple objects that you want to select.
  2. Long press an object to select the item. The selection feature is enabled and the object is selected.
  3. Tap other objects in the slide. The objects are selected (the objects may be layered).
  4. Perform further editions or formatting for the selected objects. 

Method 2: 
To select continuous objects in a slide:
  1. Click on an empty area in the slide (near to a shape you want to select) to start a selection box (blue dotted line). 
  2. Drag until the selection box touches all the objects you want to select. The objects are selected. You can now format and edit the shapes as needed.

Below are some tips you can follow while working on multiple objects in the Show Android app: 

Tip 1: 
Smart guides in Show are grey dotted lines that help you edit the positions and dimensions of objects with respect to any other object in the slide. The Smart guides appears as you drag the object near to other objects in the slide.


Note: You can also view the Smart guides when you move the object to the edges of the slide. 

Tip 2: 
To position multiple objects in a slide, multi-select the objects to make them a single selection. Go to Format and then Arrange. In the Arrange section, you can align the objects with respect to the slide using the LeftCenterRightTopMiddle, and Bottom arrows. Once you align objects with respect to the slide, you can distribute them equidistant either horizontally or vertically using the Horizontal and Vertical buttons respectively.


Note: To position the objects more accurately, you can adjust their pixel values in Format, choose Size & Position, and then Horizontal and Vertical combo boxes. 

Tip 3: 
As you add objects to a slide, they are placed one above the other in levels with the latest object on the top and the initial object at the bottom. You can change the order (level) of objects in the slide using the Format and then Arrange. In the Arrange section, you can distribute the layered objects in different levels using the Back ToBackward, Front To, or Forward buttons. 

For example, consider drawing a circle on top of a triangle. The triangle is level 1, and the circle is level 2. To interchange the levels of the shapes, select the circle shape and click To Back button to push it to level 1.          

Note: You can zoom in and out on slides manually to access a particular underlying object. 

Tip 4: 
To edit the size of multiple objects in a slide, multi-select the objects to make them a single object. Go to Format, choose Arrange, and then Size & Position. Enable the Maintain Aspect Ratio checkbox and manually decrease or increase the size of the object. You can use the object edit points to change the object's dimensions. Once you have approximately your required size, you can set the exact width and height in the respective combo boxes. 


Note: You can drag multiple objects outside the slide area and change the position and size of the objects using their edit points, since the application favours an infinite drawing area (canvas). 

Zoho Show app for Android allows you to flip and rotate multiple shapes as well. To learn about object flip and rotate, click here

We have more exciting things coming up for our Android app for Show. Come along with us as we take you through our milestones!  

We would love to hear from you. Write to us at, or comment below. 

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