Tip #2: Stay up to date on everything you missed while you were away

Tip #2: Stay up to date on everything you missed while you were away

Hello everyone! Here's the tip of the week on how you can catch up on all the changes made to your files.
Collaborating with your teammates would essentially mean sharing your work and delivering the best. However, there'll be times when you are involved in a few other tasks and come back to see a completely new version of your document. This would leave you with a speck of what you missed.
That's why we have the Unread section and the Global notifications!
This means, every time you come to work, the first thing we suggest you do is, catch up on the updates specific to a particular Team Folder by clicking on the Unread tab. 

You can also get a complete overview of all the things you missed in all the Team Folders you are a part of by clicking on the All Unread tab.

When you have looked through the changes made to a file in a particular Team Folder, it will automatically be removed from the Unread section. You can also manually do this by clicking on the MARK AS READ button.
On the other hand, Global or Bell notifications keep you aware of all the updates that's specific to you in the team.

Here are some examples where you will be notified:
  • When you’re added to a Team Folder
  • When your role in a Team Folder has been changed
  • When there is a new public Team Folder you could join
  • When a file has been shared with you
  • When a user requests access to a file
  • When a user @mentions you in a comment

We hope today's tip will help you stay on top of your work wherever you are. If you have more questions about this, feel free to drop them in the comments below or email us at
Stay tuned for many such useful tips every week to make Zoho WorkDrive work wonders for you!