Tips and Tricks #20: Collaborate on the go with the Show app for Android

Tips and Tricks #20: Collaborate on the go with the Show app for Android

Welcome back!

As you probably know, the ideas you come up with when you work as a team are often more creative and well-rounded than those from any single person. Working together helps a team reach solutions at a quicker pace. Most importantly, collaboration supports continuous learning and ensures equal opportunity to all members in the team. Collaborators use either software, applications, or other tools to achieve the tasks. One such app that helps you handle collaboration is the Show app for Android. 

The app allows you to share presentations with collaborators through a social platform or mail. You can set privilege for each collaborator. The collaborators are added once they accept your request. This helps you to work in sync with your collaborators.

To internally collaborate using Show app for Android: 
  1. Open the presentation on Show app.
  2. Click the Share icon and then click Invite collaborators. The Share page opens.
  3. Set the permission level for the user under SELECT ACCESS TYPE.
  4. Click Copy next to the link of the presentation. A pop-up window appears.
  5. Click Do not Publish to copy your file link. The link will be copied to the clipboard.
  6. Paste and share the link to allow the user to access the file using their Zoho account. 
This method is ideal when you want to share your files with a restricted audience. 

You can use this method when you want to share files to further small sections of audience: 
  1. Open the presentation on Show app.
  2. Click the Share icon and then click Invite collaborators. The Share page opens.
  3. Set the permission level for the user under SELECT ACCESS TYPE.
  4. Enter the email of the members in ADD A COLLABORATOR and click the tick symbol. The mail id gets added. You can view the added members under COLLABORATOR.
  5. From here, you can change the permission levels for the collaborator using the Down arrow or delete the member by clicking the Delete icon. 
To externally collaborate using Show app for Android: 
  1. Open the presentation on Show app. 
  2. Click Share icon and then click Invite collaborators. The Share page opens.
  3. Set the permission level for the user under SELECT ACCESS TYPE
  4. Click Copy next to the link of the presentation. A pop-up window appears. 
  5. Click Publish and Copy to publish your file and copy your file link. The link will be copied to the clipboard. 
  6. Paste and share the link to allow the user to access the file without a Zoho account.
This method is ideal when you want to share your files with public. 

Collaboration is a long-term process. With firm goals and defined patterns, one can achieve fruitful results and an open work culture. In addition, periodic recognition and reward of collaborators can improve morale and incentivize team members. 

We'll be back soon with more tips and tricks for using Show.

You can connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to know how Show can scale-up your business. You may also write to us at or comment below. 

Happy collaborating!
Show team

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