Tips and Tricks #21: Insert online videos on the go with Zoho Show for Android

Tips and Tricks #21: Insert online videos on the go with Zoho Show for Android

Hi Everyone! 

Visual learning is a trending technology to enhance audience experience in the presenting world. Presenters prefer videos to static images because they make presentations made more dynamic, engaging, and informative. In addition, they are easy to follow and share.

Incorporating suitable videos in slide decks can take your presentations to great heights. Videos capture the audience's interest and help them connect with your message.
For instance: A lot of statistical information can be conveyed using a video showing process and growth rates rather than a static visual. 
Attach videos to your slides to create more compelling presentations. With videos, you can: 
  • Elicit emotional support for your position with stories or case studies
  • Convey more information in less time than graphs and bullet points, so you can stay on schedule
  • Make your slides more active and engaging, to keep your audience interested 
  • Convey details that aren't easily communicated in any other medium
  • Liven up remote presentations, and connect with your audience across distances

Videos have the power to capture your audience's attention like nothing else. Audio-visuals are an effective way to make your stories impactful and memorable. As a form of data visualization, video offers a mostly non-verbal way to support your point. 

For instance, how-to videos are self-explanatory and provide complete demos about products.

Below are some tips to help you effectively deliver stories through videos:
  • Start your presentations with videos to grab the audience's attention
  • Give the audience enough time to understand the point of the video before moving on 
  • Do not combine too many concepts in one video
  • Keep your videos short (30 to 60 seconds) and choose just one central topic for each
  • Make sure it's clear how the videos are relevant to your presentation 
  • Use snippets to highlight key areas
  • Provide a pleasant background to your videos rather than leaving it blank
  • Make sure your videos are properly edited, cropped, formatted, and updated, so your presentation looks professional
  • Explain the details in the video clearly, completely, and cleverly, minding all the key points
  • Cross-check other presentations with videos to find out how effective theirs are
  • End your videos with final key messages that relate to your slides
  • Focus on the quality of videos than quantity of videos
  • Add videos to the complicated sections where you feel the audience may get lost, to clarify and retain interest
Our Android app allows you to insert videos into presentations easily. 

To insert videos to slides, 
  1.  Open the slide in which you want to insert the video.
  2. Go to "+" > Media, and select the Youtube icon. Sample online videos will appear. You can search for any Youtube video in the Search box. 
  3. Select the required video and click the Tick icon to add the video to the slide. The video will be inserted in the slide. 
  1. Copy the URL of the video and paste it on the required slide. The video is inserted in the slide. 

Simply tap the inserted video to view options: Format, Cut, Copy, Paste, View Comment, and Delete
Long-press on the inserted video to Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Format the videos. 
Note: You can also collaborate in real time and comment on the videos using the Review panel.

To format inserted videos:
  1. Select the inserted video, go to Format, and then Shape to apply: 
  • Stroke effect: To set stroke style, color, width, line join, and line cap for the video
  • Shadow effect: To apply outer/inner shadow, and set angle, distance, color, and transparency for the shadow
  • Autoplay: To play the videos automatically when they are visible
  • Center, Left, Right, Bottom, Top, Middle alignment: To align the videos based on your choice
  • Forward, To Front, Backward, To Back: To set levels for the videos relative to other elements in the slides
  • Horizontal or Vertical distribution: To horizontally or vertically align videos
  • Size and Position: To customize the width, height, horizontal, and vertical values 

To add comments to videos:
  1. Select the video, go to Review, and then Comments
  2. Click the Plus icon to add a new comment. 
To view archived comments for the video:
  1. Select the video and go to Review and then Comments
  2. Click the Archived Comments icon to view all the saved comments. 
To track changes for videos, 
  1. Go to Review and then Versions. You can view the version history for the slides.  

Hope you found this post on 'Videos in Presentations' useful. We'll be back soon with more tips and tricks for using Show.
To conclude, videos are the best form of data visualization. Use engaging, relevant videos to express complex concepts and make a lasting impact on the audience.
You can connect with us anytime on Facebook and Twitter to learn how Show can support your business. You may also write to us at or comment below. 

Happy presenting!
—Show team

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