Tips and Tricks #38: Analyze presentations effectively using Show's robust commenting system

Tips and Tricks #38: Analyze presentations effectively using Show's robust commenting system

Hi All! 

Let's say you are collaborating on a presentation with your teammates and want to provide them with suggestions about content and design.  With some presentation tools, you have to share your feedback separately, either through an email or a chat platform. When your collaborators receive your message, they then have to toggle between the chat window and the presentation tool to understand your comments and make the changes. This might prove tedious in the long run, especially if there are many changes to be made.
To make the collaboration process simpler and help your teammates understand the context of your feedback better, Show provides a separate Comments section under the Review panel. You can now include all your comments in the presentation itself without worrying about sending any outside messages.  
Using Show's robust commenting system, you can easily add comments to a slide and its objects without altering the content of the presentation. These comments direct your collaborators to elements that should be changed and help them keep track of all the corrections in the Comments section.     

To add context or detail, you can also apply a formatting style or color to your comments.
Note: You will be able to comment on a presentation only when you are given permission by its creator. You either need to have a Zoho account or you can sign in using your existing Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn accounts.  

At times, you may also want to add hyperlinks in your comments and redirect your collaborators to a different web page, slide, or an email address. In such cases, you can simply select your comment and then click the attachment icon in the comment box (text box). If required, you can further apply a text color or style to this hyperlink.
You can further support your views by adding pictures in your comments. You just need to click the Reply > option and then tap the Image icon in the comment box to include visuals such as popular gifs, stickers, or royalty-free images. 

Once the discussion is over and the matter is closed, you can resolve your comments. In case you resolved a comment accidentally, you can reopen it from the Archived Comments list.  
Additionally, you can type the @ symbol followed by the name of one of your collaborators in the comment box to tag them. All the members working on the presentation will get notifications about this. 

In case the collaborator you tagged has not replied to your message, you can copy the URL of your comment and share it through any chat channel. This way, you can save time waiting for your teammate to respond.

Here's how you can add a comment in Show:
  1. Open the required slide in the presentation.
  2. Click REVIEW and then Comments.
  3. Select the slide or object to which you want to add a comment.
  4. Enter your feedback in the comment box at the bottom of the Comments section. 

To edit a comment in Show:
Select your comment and click the Edit icon at its top-right corner. Using the More (ellipsis) icon next to it, you can either copy the URL of your comment or delete the thread.

We hope you found this post useful! We'll be back with more interesting tips for Show.
You can connect with us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to learn more about how Show can help improve your business communications. You may also write to us at or comment below.
Happy presenting!
—the Show team   

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