I am trying to write a custom function to calculate Quote totals to include at the Deal level. Here is the function:
RelatedQuotes = zoho.crm.getRelatedRecords("Quotes", "Deals", potId.toLong(),1,200); //info RelatedQuotes;
total = 0.0;
for each ele in RelatedQuotes
grand =ifnull(ele.get("Grand_Total"),"0.0").toDecimal();
total = (total + grand);
mp = map();
mp.put("Amount", total);
update = zoho.crm.update("Deals", potId.toLong(), mp);
info mp;
info update;
I select related module as “Deal”
I enter above script and edit argument as specified, dealId = Deal Id
I execute and prompted:
"Please enter the input values to the arguments
If I enter “Deal Id” I return error: Failed to execute function - Error at line number: 1
Value given for the variable 'potId' does not match its type
I am assuming that is because potId should be dealId? I enter script as:
RelatedQuotes = zoho.crm.getRelatedRecords("Quotes", "Deals", dealId.toLong(),1,200); //info RelatedQuotes;
total = 0.0;
for each ele in RelatedQuotes
grand =ifnull(ele.get("Grand_Total"),"0.0").toDecimal();
total = (total + grand);
mp = map();
mp.put("Amount", total);
update = zoho.crm.update("Deals", dealId.toLong(), mp);
info mp;
info update;
I edit arguments, dealId = Deal Id
I execute script and prompt:
"Please enter the input values to the arguments
If I ender “Deal Id” I return error: Failed to execute function - Error at line number: 1
Value given for the variable 'dealId' does not match its type
Any Ideas??