Trident app update - Windows - Upload files to WorkDrive widget

Trident app update - Windows - Upload files to WorkDrive widget

Hi everyone!

In the latest Windows version(v1.2.4.0) of the Trident app, we've introduced a fantastic feature—now you can easily upload attachments to the WorkDrive widget. Here's how:

Methods to Upload Attachments:

1. Dedicated Upload Option: Simply click on the upward arrow mark at the top pane of the WorkDrive widget. This dedicated upload option makes the process quick and straightforward.

2. Drag and Drop: For a more intuitive experience, you can also drag and drop attachments directly from the email details view, cliq chat box, or your device's local storage directory. It's a seamless way to add files to WorkDrive.


  • Remember, you need Admin, Editor, or Organiser permissions for the specific folder where you want to upload attachments.

  • Drag and drop to 'Shared with Me' or 'Favorites' folder isn't supported

To enjoy this features, make sure your Trident app is up to date. You can do this by relaunching the app to receive an update prompt or follow these steps:

  • Open Trident app.

  • Go to Main Menu.

  • Select the 'Check for updates' option.

Hope you find this update useful. If you encounter any issues or just want to share your thoughts on the update, feel free to reach out to us at Additionally, you can submit feedback directly through the app (Trident app > Main Menu > Feedback).

Good day!