Trying to create a ZML snippet to show a forecast of revenue

Trying to create a ZML snippet to show a forecast of revenue

I am trying to create a ZML snippet to show a forecast of revenue based on a count of records from a form from a different app.

The app name: latxoperationslivedispatch
The form name: Today_s_Truck_Assignment
Date and Time: MMM dd.yyyy /12-Hour

These are the fields in the form Today_s_Truck_Assignment:
Assigned Yard (lookup)
Driver's Name (lookup)
Assigned Truck (lookup)
Assigned Shift (dropdown)
Clock Status (dropdown)

Here is what I would like to show in the snippet for a page in a different app:

I would like to take the total Assigned Trucks worked (I'm assuming this would be the count of record ID) for this current month and divide that number by the current day of the month (this would give me an average per day).

Then multiply that number by the total days that will be in the entire month (for example 30 or 31.)

Then multiply by a static number of "13"

Then multiply by a static amount of "$100"

I want the solution to the problem to be displayed in a ZML snippet with the title of Projected Revenue for This Month.

I would like to have another card displaying the Previous month's Estimated Revenue using the same form and information however this would only need the Total count of record ID for last month multiplied by "13" and multiplied by "$100" 

Any help would be extremely appreciated.