Unable to Select multiple documents or move them in Zoho Workdrive while using Permalink

Unable to Select multiple documents or move them in Zoho Workdrive while using Permalink

When I first access a permalink for a folder in workdrive, I am able to see the details of documents and folders, select them, and move them just fine. But if I select a folder, the details go away and I am unable to select them. I can right click and select "Move to", but after I go through the prompt, the pop-up to notify me that the file is being moved never appears and the move is never completed. If I refresh my page I can see the details again, but as soon as I move to a different folder, the same thing happens until I refresh my page. I've attached some screenshots to show my issue. Is there something I need to do on my end to fix this? Or is this an issue caused by a Zoho update?