Unable to submit report for approval - "Tags is not supported for this account"

Unable to submit report for approval - "Tags is not supported for this account"


I have a problem with Zoho Expense. I've created a report with expenses associated and I'm trying to submit it for approval (to myself, since I am the account manager).

However, when I submit the report for approval I get a message "Tags is not supported for this account" and I cannot proceed. I have not knowingly set any tags and I cannot see even what "tags" refers to.

Please can you help sort this out as I need to get the expenses approved so I can bill my client!

I already raised this as a support ticket more than 2 days ago, but still no fix. It's very frustrating since I cannot move forward with expenses reports ready to submit, approve and bill to my client. Please can I have an update and hopefully a fix asap?

Thanks and regards,
