[Solved] Unfair price increase ? I feel like trapped

[Solved] Unfair price increase ? I feel like trapped

Edit : I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. The fact is there's no price increasing.

Hello everybody,

I'm quite disappointed about the price change scheduled. Not just because the service cost will increase. It would be okay to pay more for a very more powerful product. In the fact I think the problem in deeper than that and I would like to explain this :

You guys at Zoho have announced that the smallest package will not be for 25 users anymore, but 100 users ! This implies the prices goes from €25/mo to €100/mo, the price of the same service is just gonna be x4 !! We're not talking about +10% nor +25% increasing...but +300% !!

Not any amazing new feature that can explain this, and still some "buggy" things. The same product just 4 times more expansive. So what if all our collaborators do use to use Zoho Connect in my 8 mates firm ? I really find it unfair.

Moreover, there is no more "medium" plan : we are supposed to be either very small company (less than 25 users, and very limited features) or big company (100 seats) :( 

Guys, I feel really like "trapped" or betrayed, even if the price increase is scheduled in months.
We've spent lot of time on collaborative software comparison. We've spent lot of time in Zoho Connect comprehension and in setup/integration of this solution in our team, in our habits, in our workflow. We chose Zoho Connect for different reasons but essentially for the price. And now what ?

We have a 25€/mo plan including 25 users, and many Groups, many Task Boards. Our choices will now be either pay 4 times more every month to keep the same product, or change for the Free plan and then get limited to 3 boards, 3 groups, and then get Zoho Connect becoming almost useless, or migrate to another solution.

At €25/mo, we can accept buggy things and some little defects. At €100/mo we can't.

Sorry guys for my "broken" English. I hope this post wont be understood like insultant because it's not. I just want to explain my real disappointment and my anger.
