Unsplash for Zoho Show: Royalty-free images for your next presentation

Unsplash for Zoho Show: Royalty-free images for your next presentation

Presentation experts strongly recommend using images, infographics and animations to illustrate your text and engage the audience. While using graphics and animations purely depend upon your presentation tool's capabilities, images usually don't have such specificity. However, while images are readily available and easy to find on the internet, the real caveat can be navigating the hurdles of copyright and usage license.

For example, let's say you finally find an image online that perfectly fits your presentation narrative. You either can download the image and pray the owner of the picture does not find out or agree to the terms and conditions of the copyright, which usually involves paying a fee. Ouch!

Make your presentations picture perfect by choosing from over a million royalty free images:

That's why we at Zoho Show have tied up with Unsplash to provide a seamless experience for our users. You don't have to worry about the source of images as users can select from the millions of royalty-free collections. These exclusive photos, provided by world-class photographers, artists, and creatives from around the world, are high-resolution and easy to search with numerous keywords. No more you've to use watermark images and the best part is that we offer this add-on for free. 

With Unsplash for Zoho Show, you can quickly find the suitable image and add it to your slide with a click—no longer you've to search the web and wrestle with formatting issues. So, whether you're giving a TED talk, leading your company's quarterly meeting, or presenting a sales pitch, harness the power of Unsplash's image library to engage your audience and make your presentations picture-perfect.

Try out this wonderful feature now! 

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