Update Custom Fields via API

Update Custom Fields via API

Hi - does anyone know if there's a way to update custom fields in Zoho Connect tasks?

I have tried passing parameters but it returns "errorCode":"EXTRA_PARAM_FOUND","devReason":"Extra param found 'customRecords'"

  1. map1 = Map();
  2. map2 = Map();
  3. map3 = Map();
  4. map1.put("id","185487000004515175");
  5. map1.put("value"," TEST");
  6. map2.put("185487000004518044", map1);
  7. map3.put("customRecords", map2);

  8. sectionTasks = response.get("sectionTasks").get("tasks");
  9. for each  rec in sectionTasks
  10. {
  11. title = rec.getJSON("shortTitle").getJSON("text");
  12. id = rec.get("id");
  13. if(title == "Test")
  14. {
  15. response = invokeurl
  16. ​[                                           
  17. url :https://connect.zoho.com/pulse/api/updateTask?scopeID= + scopeID + "&taskId=" + id
  18. type :POST
  19. parameters: map3
  20. connection:
  21. ];}}